Worldcup-2018 Worldcup 2018 arrow_drop_down

Competition: Worldcup 2018
Comment: Join and win a fortnight holiday camping on Blackpool Beach
Creator: GBR Notachanceinhell
Tipsters number: 22
Private: yes
no prize

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Overall Ranking
Rank Name Winner Points
Up  1 GBR Chip Barm  France 179 pt
Down  2 ENG Whitley Bay  Spain 167 pt
Up  3 ENG Globetrotters  France 133 pt
Down  4 ENG Mayhem  Germany 124 pt
Down  5 ENG Joe  Argentina 122 pt
Same  6 GBR SV1  Brazil 111 pt
Down  7 GBR Notachanceinhell  Brazil 107 pt
Up  8 GBR Boatsy7  Brazil 101 pt
Down  9 ENG Rob255  Germany 100 pt
Down  10 GBR Big Hair1  Germany 96 pt
Up  10 GBR Sir Ken Dalg7  France 96 pt
Up  12 GBR Tongeyy  Germany 94 pt
Down  13 ENG Joe90davis  Germany 93 pt
Down  14 GBR Kinkin  Brazil 92 pt
Down  15 GBR Seaside Fotrune Teller  Spain 89 pt
Down  16 ENG Maxipool  Uruguay 80 pt
Same  17 GBR CUFCBLUE  Brazil 73 pt
Down  18 GBR The Nobb Enders  Argentina 72 pt
Same  19 ENG Fandango  Brazil 60 pt
Same  20 GBR Rachael2508  Germany 59 pt
Same  21 ENG Sutty80  Germany 58 pt
Same  22 GBR tomjep  Spain 45 pt
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