Worldcup-2018 Worldcup 2018 arrow_drop_down

Competition: Worldcup 2018
Comment: Especially Gal Ziv
Creator: ISR talbb123
Tipsters number: 8
Private: yes
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Overall Ranking
Rank Name Winner Points
Same  1 ARM arik  France 168 pt
Same  2 LTU ugolas  Portugal 119 pt
Up  3 ISR talbb123  Brazil 117 pt
Down  4 ISR Chapi  Brazil 113 pt
Up  5 GBR Degauss  Argentina 102 pt
Down  6 ISR Izzy  Brazil 98 pt
Up  6 ISR Gelman  Argentina 98 pt
Same  8 ISR Elad - 0 pt
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