Worldcup-2018 Worldcup 2018 arrow_drop_down

Competition: Worldcup 2018
Comment: This is a private local league
Creator: CHE GregF
Tipsters number: 11
Private: yes
I offer a bottle of French wine to the winner!


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Overall Ranking
Rank Name Winner Points
Same  1 CHE Titi  Brazil 86 pt
Same  2 CHE GregF  Portugal 80 pt
Same  3 WAL huw taffy o'jones  Germany 68 pt
Same  4 SCO weknownothing about footbal  Brazil 64 pt
Same  4 CHE Frankie  Belgium 64 pt
Same  6 IRL Val80  Brazil 58 pt
Same  7 CHE Simsy  Germany 57 pt
Same  8 CHE Ninush  Portugal 54 pt
Same  9 ENG Gmoney - 0 pt
Same  9 CHE Titi13 - 0 pt
Same  9 CHE Heydan - 0 pt
Name Message
Well, You probably know nothing about football but you were that close to have it right for the first match. Well done!

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