Worldcup-2018 Worldcup 2018 arrow_drop_down

Competition: Worldcup 2018
Comment: Get ready to lose!
Creator: BEL Stalin
Tipsters number: 11
Private: yes
5/10 euro entree?

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Overall Ranking
Rank Name Winner Points
Same  1 MEX mairen  France 180 pt
Same  2 NLD Hamid  Brazil 112 pt
Up  2 BEL twevers  Brazil 112 pt
Up  4 MEX Sara  Germany 109 pt
Down  5 ESP Esterllita  Argentina 108 pt
Down  5 BEL Stalin  Brazil 108 pt
Same  7 NLD Freek  Germany 98 pt
Same  8 POL Qba  Brazil 78 pt
Same  9 ISL ItsSurelyATrap  Germany 68 pt
Same  10 SCO AndrewW  Germany 67 pt
Same  11 ISL ItsATrap - 0 pt
Name Message
MEX Sara
Viva Mexico!!!
BEL Stalin
Peru should have won...
BEL twevers
hey stalin where are your points???
BEL Stalin
Please fill out the doodle to decide what the prize will be.
BEL twevers
brasil lala lala lala lalaaaaaaaaaaaa
ISL ItsSurelyATrap
"Sorry, has a technical problem, we are fixing it. ..." argggg!!!! Let's try filling in everything again... :'(
NLD Hamid
give me the price!
MEX Sara
Let's do this!

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