Competition: | Euro 2024 |
Comment: | . |
Creator: | Don't know what I'm doing |
Tipsters number: | 9 |
Private: | yes |
Rank | Name | Winner | Points |
1 | Children of LYR | France | 142 pt |
2 | RoughleySpeaking | France | 134 pt |
3 | Don't know what I'm doing | France | 114 pt |
4 | Calves of Steel | England | 107 pt |
5 | DJ Cuppa | England | 104 pt |
6 | Dan Tommo | - | 91 pt |
7 | Boogie | England | 84 pt |
7 | Big chungus | England | 84 pt |
9 | Sossidge | - | 69 pt |
Name | Message |
Calves of Steel |
Forgot to predict this one! ???? |
RoughleySpeaking |
I think my Dan has also tried to join today, and needs approval too? Not unless it’s too late, now that the tournament has started? |
Don't know what I'm doing |
Weird how he's the only one who needed approval ????♂️ |
Don't know what I'm doing |
@DJ Cuppa - done |
DJ Cuppa |
His username is North Macedonia |
DJ Cuppa |
Noah has sent a request to join |