Uefa-euro-2020 UEFA Euro 2020 arrow_drop_down

Competition: UEFA Euro 2020
Comment: Why always me???
Creator: ISR The Netz
Tipsters number: 12
Private: no
no prize

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Overall Ranking
Rank Name Winner Points
Up  1 ISR Yuvi  Belgium 107 pt
Down  2 ENG Owngoal  England 104 pt
Down  3 ISR AG1  England 99 pt
Same  4 ISR King HAZIZA8  England 96 pt
Same  5 ISR Berez  France 90 pt
Same  6 ISR Ms Plant  Portugal 87 pt
Same  7 ISR HD Saint Maximinmin  England 77 pt
Same  8 ISR The Netz  Belgium 60 pt
Same  9 ISR Amit Goodman  Portugal 50 pt
Down  10 GBR Sam.S  France 45 pt
Same  11 ISR Ravivi  Netherlands 42 pt
Same  12 ISR Raviv - 0 pt
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