Uefa-euro-2020 UEFA Euro 2020 arrow_drop_down

Competition: UEFA Euro 2020
Comment: שיפא תחילה
Creator: ISR The Netz
Tipsters number: 13
Private: yes
no prize

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Overall Ranking
Rank Name Winner Points
Same  1 ISR Himenez  England 128 pt
Same  2 ISR Dod Aryeh  Belgium 120 pt
Same  3 ISR הנביא  England 109 pt
Same  4 ISR Shmidel  France 103 pt
Same  5 ISR Vizini  France 86 pt
Same  6 ISR Germani  Portugal 75 pt
Up  7 ISR Yoav177  France 71 pt
Down  8 ISR Orishapira  England 69 pt
Down  9 ISR Rak beHaifa yesh Maccabi  France 66 pt
Same  10 ISR Light years  Belgium 60 pt
Same  10 ISR The Netz  Belgium 60 pt
Same  12 ISR Dannygoal  Portugal 45 pt
Same  13 SYR F.c. Dina  Portugal 27 pt
Name Message
ISR Germani
ISR The Netz
ISR Vizini
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